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Library Trustees Minutes 11 Apr 2002
April 11, 2002

Members Present:
Theodore Flynn (Chair), John Hill, Lynne Walsh, Carl Meier and Margaret Lougee
Staff Present:
Elaine Winquist (Director), Nancy Denman (Assistant Director), James Jaquette (Assistant Director), Deborah Killory (Administrative Assistant)
The meeting was convened at 7:36 am in the Setter Room at the Duxbury Free Library and went into executive session at 7:37 am.  The meeting was roll called out of executive session at 7:52 am and the regular session was called to order at 7:55 am.

Annual Meeting
        The annual meeting was chaired by Mr. Flynn.  He requested nominations for Chairman for the upcoming year.

Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Ms. Lougee, to nominate Ted Flynn as Chair of the Board of Trustees.
Vote:  5 – 0 in favor
Mr. Flynn requested nominations for Vice-Chair.

Moved by Ms. Lougee, seconded by Ms. Walsh, to nominate Carl Meier as Vice-Chair.
Vote:  5 – 0 in favor
Mr. Flynn requested nominations for Secretary.

Moved by Ms. Lougee, seconded by Ms. Walsh, to nominate Nancy Delano as Secretary.
Vote:  5 – 0 in favor
Mr. Flynn reappointed Ms. Delano to continue as the Trustees Liaison with the Friends of the Duxbury Free Library.

Chair’s Report
        Mr. Flynn reported that the  most recently submitted warrant for tuition reimbursement had been signed by the Selectmen and would be paid in the next paycheck.  

Director’s Report
        Ms. Winquist reported that the FY03 budget as proposed was approved at Annual Town Meeting.  If there is a special town meeting in June, she may request a transfer from the personnel budget to expenses as the FY02 budget is very tight.  There are building issues and repairs that are placing demands on the budget.  She noted that the FY03 budget was approved before the DPW contract was signed; a substantial increase in the cleaning/clothing line was included in the new contract.
        The library bathrooms are heavily used by the athletic teams.  The cost is being absorbed by the library, but should be addressed by the schools.  Ms. Winquist will contact Mickey McGonagle of the School Department and Gordon Cushing of the Recreation Department concerning this issue and suggesting that porta-potties should be installed at the athletic fields.  
        Ms. Winquist also told the trustees that there is a parking problem due to septic work is being done as part of the school project.  She has been in touch with Ron McCarthy, the athletic director and he has given her a copy of the spring athletic schedule to help the library anticipate parking problems.  High school students are parking at the library and adding to the parking pressure.  Parking restrictions can only  be imposed by the Selectmen.  Ms. Winquist will inquire if they can limit parking at the library.  

Departmental Reports
        Reports for the Children’s, Circulation, Reference and Technical Service departments were distributed.  The final two lectures of the Islam series were discussed and other upcoming adult programming was noted.

Children’s Internet Safety Act: Vote on Internet Safety Policy
        The essential change in the Internet Safety Policy is the addition of filters to the internet computers in the Children’s Department.  The policy also outlines what is not permitted on the library’s internet computers.

Moved by Ms. Walsh, seconded by Ms. Lougee, to accept the Internet Safety Policy as presented.
Vote:  5 – 0 in favor

Meeting Room Policy and Exhibit/Display Policy
        Ms. Winquist presented proposed changes to these two policies.  The changes to the meeting room policy include giving library use precedence over other uses and adding a section on use of rooms for political campaigns, which allows their use as long as equal access can be provided.  An addition to the display/exhibit policy was made which allows campaign and political literature to be displayed in a designated area only.  An appeal process, taken from the Collection Development Policy, was added to each of the revised policies.  
        The possibility of adding users fees for all to the meeting room policy was discussed.  It was decided not to make such a change at the present time, but was noted that it may be necessary if there are budget cuts.  Votes will be taken on the revised policies at the next meeting.
        Mr. Flynn noted that Ms. Winquist should begin to think about a crisis management budget; Mr. Meier noted that input from all staff members should be considered when making cuts.

Ellison Playground
        The location of the new Ellison Playground was originally planned for beyond the softball field, but Peter Buttkus of Lands and Natural Resources wants to move the playground to the area in front of the tennis courts.  Ms. Winquist expressed concern that the proposed playground was too large for that area and would increase the parking problems.  She presented some safety issues that Ms. Denman had noted, including proximity to the pond and location across the parking lot from the library, which would require children to cross a busy parking lot for restroom use.  A letter will be sent from Mr. Flynn to Mr. Buttkus noting the concerns of the library.  

Moved Mr. Hill, seconded by Ms. Lougee, that the Library Trustees are not in favor of a playground in the area beyond the tennis courts adjacent to the library because for safety reasons.
Vote:  5 – 0 in favor

Director’s Evaluation
        Evaluation forms were distributed.  Ms. Lougee will coordinate the process.  Completed evaluation forms should be returned to Ms. Lougee at the May meeting.

Java Express Café
        The six month café contract expires May 15.  Business has been good after school, but not at other times.  Staff of the café wants to close whenever school is closed.  Because there is no grease trap, lunches cannot be served.  We understand that Java Express does not wish to extend the contract; Ms. Winquist will contact Mike Rossman to determine the end date of the operation if that is the case.

The date of the June meeting was changed to June 19.

Moved by Mr. Meier, seconded by Mr. Hill, to adjourn at 9:20 am.
Vote:  5 – 0 in favor